Indian police have arrested five individuals, including a school director and teachers, in connection with the gruesome killing of a seven-year-old boy in an alleged ritual...
In a shocking development, the long-awaited airdrop from the crypto-mining app Hamster Kombat has sparked outrage among thousands of Nigerians who had invested months of effort...
Renowned Nollywood actress, Genevieve Nnaji, made a striking appearance recently, captivating fans with her timeless elegance and sense of style. The veteran actress, known for her...
In preparation for the upcoming 2027 ban on dog meat consumption, South Korea’s agriculture ministry announced on Thursday a plan to compensate dog farmers as part...
Prosecutors in Benin have announced the arrest of three prominent individuals, including the commander of the presidential guard, on suspicion of plotting a coup d’etat in...
The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) in Akwa Ibom State has apprehended five individuals suspected of vandalizing power installations, including high-tension cables. The arrest...
Zobo drink is a refreshing traditional beverage made from the dried flowers of the hibiscus plant (Hibiscus sabdariffa). With its deep red color and tangy flavor,...
In a major development, the Nigerian government has approved a substantial increase in the monthly allowance of National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members. The allowance has...
The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has given the Federal Government a 14-day ultimatum to address several unresolved issues, including the renegotiation of the 2009...
French football star Raphael Varane has officially announced his retirement from professional football. The accomplished defender, known for his impressive career at clubs like Real Madrid...