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BREAKING: FG makes N62,000 offer as new minimum wage



Following several hours of meetings on Friday, the Federal Government has increased its offer for the new minimum wage to N62,000 from N60,000.

However, organised labour is demanding a wage of N250,000, 244,000 down from it’s previous N494,000 demand.

News360 Nigeria recalls that on Friday last, the organised labour comprising the Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, and the Trade Union Congress, TUC, declared an indefinite strike that commenced on Monday, June 3, it had stated that the federal government team had reported that they were unable to reach the President, hence, they could not make fresh offer beyond the initial N60,000.

Following the effectiveness of the strike, Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF, Senator George Akume met in his office with the NLC President, Comrade Joe Ajaero and the Trade Union Congress, TUC, President, Comrade Festus Osifo alongside other representatives of the labour movement.

After the meeting, it was announced that President Tinubu has agreed to increase the minimum wage offer above N60,000 and it was resolved that the Tripartite Committee on the new minimum wage would resume daily negotiations for one week to conclude talks on new wage

Consequently, after the National Executive Council, NEC, meeting at the Labour House, Abuja where the resolution to suspend the nationwide strike which virtually paralyzed the economy on Monday, was taken, the organized labour said it was resuming negotiation with the government by 1 pm on Tuesday.

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