Copy & Paste: The case against mental, intellectual slothfulness

By Sharoneez Emephia
Mental and intellectual laziness has long been a stumbling block for many Africans. It often appears far easier to mimic the ideas, styles, and inventions of others than to carve out unique paths. However, this approach fails to consider that what works for one individual may not suit another. There is immense value in being authentic—embracing your originality and creating ideas that align with your unique personality, purpose, and calling.
True creativity emerges when ideas flow naturally, tailored to your configuration and life’s assignment. These bespoke ideas are not only fulfilling but also help you remain focused on your ultimate goals and purpose.
While diversification and seizing opportunities are vital in today’s fast-paced world, it is equally crucial to recognise the “trade secrets” that underpin any business or industry. Such insights are gained over time through careful study of the masters and experts in the field. Blindly jumping into trending ventures simply because they seem profitable can lead to significant financial loss and frustration.
To thrive, one must continuously reinvent and refine their skills. Enrol in courses, attend training sessions, and sharpen your abilities. Challenges are inevitable, but they should not deter you from your original purpose or unique style. Instead, use setbacks as opportunities to re-strategise, upgrade, and diversify within your core competencies. Many successful individuals have mastered this approach, constantly adapting while staying true to their essence.
Side hustles can be a practical way to augment income, but they should never overshadow your primary purpose in life. Prioritise what truly matters—your reason for being—and remain steadfast in pursuing it.
Ultimately, we will all be accountable for how well we fulfilled our life’s purpose. Success is not merely about copying what others have done; it is about standing out, embracing originality, and leaving a unique mark on the world.
So, resist the temptation to “copy and paste” through life. Let your originality distinguish you from the crowd and propel you towards a life of meaning and impact.
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