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Gov. Alia imposes 24-hour curfew in Ukum over deadly attack



The state government of Benue State has implemented a 24-hour curfew in the Ayati community, Borikyo Council Ward, Ukum Local Government Area (LGA), in response to a violent attack.

Following the incident on Tuesday night, Governor Hyacinth Alia declared a lockdown. The incident resulted in the deaths of approximately 11 individuals and the grievous injuries of numerous others.

The attack incited outrage among local youths in Sankera, the headquarters of Ukum LGA. In protest, they took to the streets, blocking the Sankera-Ayati-Sai road with barricades and lighting bonfires.

A local source, who wished to remain anonymous, described the scene: “The angry youths, chanting war songs, marched through the streets to protest the relentless attacks. They stormed the Ukum Local Government Council Secretariat to confront the Caretaker Chairman. When they didn’t find him, they vandalized the building. Another group also vandalized the Legislative House and set it on fire.

READ ALSO: Angry youths burn down INEC office in Benue

“Currently, there’s a total breakdown of law and order in Sankera. People no longer feel safe, businesses are closed, and everyone is fleeing for their lives. Although police and military personnel are trying to quell the protest, the youths are resisting.”

To prevent further escalation of the crisis, Governor Hyacinth Alia, represented by his Deputy, Dr. Sam Ode, has imposed a 24-hour curfew on the LGA, starting from 3 pm on July 3, 2024, to 3 pm the following day.

In a public address, the Governor emphasized the severity of the situation and the urgent need to protect lives and property: “This morning, July 3, 2024, the Government of Benue State was confronted with a grave security situation in Ukum LGA, leading to the breakdown of law and order and the destruction of government property. To safeguard the lives and property of all Benue citizens, especially those in Ukum LGA and the Sankera area, a curfew has been imposed from 3 pm today to 3 pm tomorrow.”

The imposed curfew aims to restore order and ensure the safety of residents amid the ongoing unrest.

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