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Group seeks transparency in Private Ruth Ogunleye’s sexual harassment case



The Men Against Rape Foundation (MARF) has raised serious concerns regarding the handling of the sexual harassment allegations made by Private Ruth Ogunleye against senior officers of the Nigerian Army.

In a press statement issued on September 26, 2024, the foundation criticized the Nigerian Army for discharging Ogunleye on medical grounds while exonerating the accused officer, Colonel I.B. Abdulkareem.

According to MARF, the Army’s decision has left significant questions unanswered, casting doubt on the transparency and fairness of the investigation.

The foundation called for the Nigerian Army to publicly release the full investigative report, citing the lack of transparency as alarming.

“Despite repeated requests by Private Ogunleye, the Nigerian Army has not made public the full report of the investigation,” MARF stated.

MARF also highlighted conflicting narratives surrounding Ogunleye’s discharge. While the Army claims her dismissal was based on mental health concerns, Ogunleye maintains that she voluntarily resigned.

MARF has called for a clear and transparent explanation from the Army, stressing that this contradiction raises questions about whether Ogunleye’s rights were fully respected during the investigation.

The foundation further urged the Army to ensure that Private Ogunleye has not been subject to retaliation for coming forward with her allegations.

They emphasized the importance of adhering to the principles of fairness, justice, and impartiality throughout the investigation process.

MARF also recommended that an independent oversight body be established to review the case, given the potential for bias in internal military investigations.

Additionally, they called on relevant civilian authorities, including the Minister of Women Affairs, Uju Kennedy, to clarify her involvement, as Ogunleye had mentioned her role in the matter.

In conclusion, MARF made three key demands:

1. The full findings of the investigation into the allegations against Colonel Abdulkareem should be made public.

2. The Army should provide a transparent justification for the decision to discharge Private Ogunleye, particularly addressing the discrepancies between her account and the Army’s version.

3. The Army must ensure that Ogunleye is not being punished for bringing her allegations forward.

MARF reaffirmed its commitment to advocating for justice, transparency, and accountability in cases of sexual harassment and abuse within the Nigerian military and other institutions.