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May 30th: Tinubu reads riot act for killers of Soldiers in Abia



President Bola Tinubu delivered a harsh warning to terrorist groups targeting military personnel, reaffirming Nigeria’s ability to deal with such threats.

The president expressed his sadness on the tragic killing of troops in Aba, Abia State, which comes two months after a similar attack in Okuama, Delta State.

Addressing the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), who were commemorating Biafra Day during the attack, Tinubu emphasized that his administration would not tolerate actions he described as treasonous.

“I am deeply saddened by the news of the killing of five soldiers by suspected militants from the banned terrorist organization, IPOB. These soldiers, on peacekeeping duty in Aba, Abia State, were brutally murdered, echoing a similar tragic event in Okuama, Delta State, just two months ago,” Tinubu stated.

“These heinous and unjustifiable acts must be condemned and will not be tolerated in our nation.

“Our soldiers and police officers have the crucial responsibility of protecting us from aggressors and non-state actors. Many have paid the ultimate price in the line of duty, while others have faced mistreatment from those they protect.

“They do not deserve the senseless attacks by rogue elements in our society. The federal government will take decisive action against those who habitually target our armed forces personnel. No one should feel emboldened to attack state agents under any pretext.

“I want to be clear: the Federal Republic of Nigeria and its armed forces possess the capability to crush violent non-state actors that threaten our communities’ safety.

“I call on security agencies to not only apprehend the masterminds and perpetrators of the Aba attack but also those inciting people to stay at home. Their actions constitute a treasonable offence.

“The restraint exercised by security forces should not be mistaken for weakness. We are committed to building a peaceful and harmonious society, but no one should doubt the government’s resolve to act decisively when the lives of our officers and men are taken senselessly,” Tinubu concluded.

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