The mother of the renowned Hausa singer Dauda Adamu, Halima Adamu also known as Rarara, has been abducted. According to a local source, the abduction took...
Sunday Musa, who is also known as Dan Gwari, a PoS operator alleged of supplying prostitute to bandits and distributing funds to their families in Kagarko...
Abba, a 27-year-old man, has been killed by bandits in Kaduna State after delivering a ransom of N16 million and three motorcycles to secure the release...
Of the 150 members of the Kuchi community in Munya Local Government Area, Niger State, who were kidnapped, 40 have regained freedom. According to information obtained...
Rev. Father Gabriel Ukeh, the presiding priest of St. Thomas Parish, has been abducted by bandits in Zaman Dabo Community, Kaduna, according to reports. The kidnapping...