Big Brother Naija housemate Tjay has secured the prestigious Head of House (HoH) title during this week’s challenge in the “No Loose Guard” season. Clocking in...
In a dramatic turn of events, the pair known as Radicals has been evicted from the Big Brother Naija Season 9 house. Their exit follows a...
Following Shatoria’s triumph in the Big Brother Naija ‘No Loose Guard’ Heads of House challenge, four pairs of contestants are now on the chopping block for...
Big Brother Naija Season 9 housemate Tjay and his wife have recently welcomed a delightful pair of twin boys. The twins were born on Sunday, August...
In a heart-to-heart conversation with fellow housemate Mayor Frosh, Big Brother Naija Season 9 contestant, Rhuthee shared her emotional journey as a teenage mother. With unflinching...
Big Brother Naija ex-housemate, Pere Egbi has sounded a warning about the budding romance between Kassia and Kellyrae in the current season of the show. In...
Chinne and Nne, the talented team known as NdiNne, made history on Sunday night by winning the first-ever Custodian Challenge of Big Brother Naija Season 9,...