Boko Haram terrorists have once again unleashed violence in Borno State, brutally killing five farmers and abducting 15 others in Ngoshe, a community within the Gwoza...
In a devastating attack, gunmen suspected to be Boko Haram insurgents looted and set ablaze shops and houses in Mafa village, located in Tarmuwa Local Government...
In a brutal act of terrorism, suspected Boko Haram insurgents launched an attack on Faudiya School, located in the Geidam Local Government Area of Yobe State....
Suspected Boko Haram insurgents raided the Jakana Police Station in Borno State’s Konduga Local Government Area, resulting in the deaths of a policeman and a woman....
In a significant legal development, a court in Kainji town, Niger State, has convicted 125 individuals linked to Boko Haram, including both terrorists and their financiers....
A mass prison break in Niger has resulted in the escape of hundreds of individuals, including Boko Haram terrorists, criminals, and drug traffickers. The breakout occurred...
560 repentant Boko Haram militants have just started training in Maiduguri, Borno State, North-East Nigeria, for the 8th cohort of the re-integration of low-risk and minors....