In a heartwarming moment, singer Davido was seen smiles as his uncle, Governor Ademola Adeleke, showcased his dancing skills during a church service. The lively display...
Dr. Adedeji Adeleke, father of renowned singer Davido, has made a generous donation of N1 billion to the Cherubim and Seraphim Church in honor of his...
In the middle of a child custody dispute, Davido’s ally, Israel DMW lashes out at Sophia Momodu for disclosing her private conversations with his boss, Davido....
Nigerian Afrobeat celebrity, Davido has recently commented on his ongoing custody dispute with Sophia Momodu, the mother of his first daughter. Davido has declared that he...
A Lagos State High Court in Sabo, Yaba, has been informed by Sophia Momodu, the mother of David Adeleke’s daughter, that the musician should not be...
Afrobeat superstar, David Adeleke popularly known as Davido, has presented his long-time friend and associate, Deekay, with a brand-new Toyota Prado, which is valued at N70...
Parents of his bride have received a passionate pledge from the Afrobeat superstar that their daughter will be “protected, respected, and connected” for the rest of...
Nigerian music singer David Adeleke, also known as Davido, has released pre-wedding pictures with his partner Chioma ahead of their planned wedding on Tuesday. The CEO...
Nigerian Afrobeats singer, David Adeleke, popular known as Davido, has announced that his longtime personal assistant, Lati, will serve as his best man at his upcoming...
In an attempt to get custody of his daughter Imade, Nigerian popular music award-winning musician David Adeleke, better known by his stage name as Davido, has...