The Jigawa Police Command has initiated an investigation into a tragic incident involving the alleged poisoning of wedding guests, including the groom, by the bride, which...
Tragedy has struck the family of Jigawa State Governor, Umar Namadi, twice in just 24 hours. First, his mother, Hajiya Maryam Namadi, passed away, and now...
Jigawa State Governor, Umar Namadi, has announced the passing of his mother, Maryam Namadi-Umar. A statement issued on Wednesday by the governor’s spokesperson, Hamisu Gumel, confirmed...
A fuel-laden tanker erupted into flames on Wednesday at the Jigawa-Kano border in Northwest Nigeria, causing widespread alarm among onlookers. Aliyu M. A., Public Relations Officer...
A fatal motor accident in Shiwarin town, located in Kiyawa Local Government Area of Jigawa State, has led to the tragic deaths of two passengers and...
Nasir Buba, the husband of a woman allegedly found with the suspended Jigawa State Commissioner for Special Duties, Awwal Danladi Sankara, in an uncompleted building, has...
Governor Umar A. Namadi of Jigawa State has ordered the immediate suspension of Auwalu Dalladi Sankara, the Honourable Commissioner for the Ministry of Special Duties and...
The Kano State Hisbah Board confirmed the arrest and detention of Jigawa’s Commissioner of Special Duties, Auwal Danladi Sankara, on Friday. Sankara was allegedly caught engaging...
A mass burial has been conducted for 140 victims of the devastating petrol tanker explosion that occurred in Majiya town, Taura Local Government Area of Jigawa...
The Jigawa State Police Command has attributed the high number of casualties and injuries from Tuesday’s tragic fuel tanker explosion in Majia, Taura Local Government Area,...