In a tragic incident on Saturday, members of the notorious Lakurawa armed group launched an unprovoked attack in Kangiwa Local Government Area of Kebbi State, claiming...
A National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) member deployed to Kebbi State, Tayachibiyacha Ebal, has tragically passed away after collapsing at the Dakin Gari Orientation Camp. Reports...
A violent confrontation between locals from Mera community and members of a new terrorist group, Lakurawa, left over 15 people dead on Friday in Augie Local...
Students of the College of Health Sciences and Technology in Jega, Kebbi State, have set fire to the residence of Provost Haruna Saidu-Sauwa and vandalized his...
Suspected bandits have abducted and killed Bako Bala, the Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Suru Local Government Area of Kebbi State. According to...
A tragic incident occurred on Sunday at the Yauri River in Kebbi State when a 60-year-old fisherman, Malam Usman Maigadi, was killed by a hippopotamus. Maigadi,...
Gunmen suspected to be hoodlums have attacked a Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) patrol base in Koko, Kebbi State, resulting in the death of one officer and...
The Nigerian government has declared Monday as a public holiday. This announcement was made 15 seconds ago on July 5, 2024 by Aminu Aminu, with Agency...