Chinne and Nne, known as “Ndi Nne,” have been evicted from the BBNaija Season 9 reality show. The pair, who previously served as Head of House...
Nollywood actress Ini Edo has lost her legal fight against filmmaker Chineye ‘Chi Chi’ Nworah over the ownership of the Netflix original series ‘Shanty Town’. The...
Police are investigating the mysterious death of a crossdresser found on the Katampe-Mabushi expressway in Abuja yesterday. The individual, whose identity is still unknown, was discovered...
In a tragic incident in Abuja, the beloved crossdresser known as ‘Abuja Area Mama’ was discovered dead in the Banex, Wuse II area of the Federal...
Francis Duru, a prominent Nollywood actor, has shared the heartbreaking news of his son Ifeanyi’s passing. In an emotional Instagram post on Thursday morning, Duru described...
Ayra Starr and international icon Rihanna were recently seen together at the Crop Over festival in Barbados, an event that celebrates the island’s music, arts, culture,...
Pastor Jerry Eze has emerged as the highest-earning YouTube content creator in Nigeria, amassing an impressive ₦7 billion in revenue. Pastor Jerry Eze, a Nigerian Pentecostal...
In a recent statement, Nigerian actress Regina Daniels addressed her critics by highlighting the broader challenges facing the country. “Whatever happens in the north can get...
The family of renowned singer Onyeka Onwenu has announced that her burial will take place before the end of this month. This announcement was made during...
Popular cross dresser Bobrisky, known for his controversial presence and influence, has reportedly returned home after a brief stint in jail. Bobrisky, whose real name is...