The Katsina State Police Command successfully thwarted a kidnapping attempt on the Katsina-Magama Jibia road, rescuing ten victims following a gunfight with suspected armed bandits. The...
A devastating fire outbreak early Wednesday morning destroyed goods and equipment valued at over ₦200 million at Ibokwu Street, near Old Market Road, Onitsha, Anambra State. ...
A recent operation by the police has led to the neutralization of three kidnapping suspects and the arrest of two others after an exchange of gunfire. ...
A Chief Magistrate Court in Iyaganku, Ibadan, has ordered the remand of three individuals linked to the recent stampede at Bashorun Islamic High School, which resulted...
Bandits intercepted a man traveling on a motorcycle and stole foodstuffs and drinks meant for Christmas celebrations at Gidan Abe community in Kachia Local Government Area...
Suspected political thugs disrupted operations at the Oredo Local Government Area (LGA) secretariat in Edo State on Monday, barring Chairman Tom Obaseki from accessing his office. ...
Tragedy struck in Emure-Ile, Emure Local Government Area of Ekiti State, as gunmen ambushed and kidnapped several passengers traveling from Onitsha, Anambra State, to Ado-Ekiti on...
A tragic fire incident erupted on Monday at the Bovas petrol station situated in Olukunle, Olodo, Ibadan, Oyo State, resulting in widespread devastation and turmoil. At...
The Delta State Police Command, under Commissioner of Police Olufemi Abaniwonda, has apprehended four individuals connected to the gruesome murder of a man identified as Paulinus...
The Cross River State Police Command has arrested a 35-year-old man, Victor Eyop, on charges of trafficking young girls from Nigeria to Libya. This was confirmed...