A devastating explosion in Sapele Metropolis, Delta State, has claimed the life of one person and left several others seriously injured. The tragic incident occurred around...
The Police Command in Katsina State has apprehended Usamatu Adamu, the Village Head of Unguwan Tambai in Runka, Safana Local Government Area, on charges of allegedly...
Alhaji Umar Shehu Idris, the Dan Isan Zazzau and son of the late Emir of Zazzau, has tragically lost his life in a road accident on...
A deadly confrontation between soldiers and armed gunmen erupted in Ehime Mbano Local Government Area of Imo State, leaving numerous casualties in its wake. News360 Nigeria...
Several people have been injured, while others are still missing following a tragic boat accident that occurred on Monday, October 7, 2024. News360 Nigeria gathered that...
A father of nine, identified simply as Mr. Charles, has reportedly taken his own life in the Jeddo community of Delta State. The tragic incident occurred...
Tragedy struck in Maiduguri, Borno State, as Pastor Vincent Alaku of the Church of The Brethren (EYN) Moduganari collapsed and died while conducting a child naming...
The Lagos Police Command has successfully facilitated the return of N1 million extorted from three National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members by four police officers in...
Suspected bandits have abducted and killed Bako Bala, the Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Suru Local Government Area of Kebbi State. According to...
A boat had capsised with approximately 300 people on board, leaving 150 individuals presumed dead. The tragedy reportedly occurred on Tuesday in the Gbajibo community within...