In a horrific incident in Evwreni Community, Delta State, a man named Samson was beaten to death and set on fire by an enraged mob after...
In a devastating incident, Raymond Timothy, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) councillorship candidate for Pari Ward in Kaduna State’s Kauru Local Government Area, was tragically killed...
The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has successfully destroyed a terrorists’ logistics base in Yadi Forest, located in Giwa Local Government Area of Kaduna State, during an...
A team of Nigerian Police officers, led by Ivo Divisional Police Officer Bethel Amah, disrupted the New Yam festival celebration in Ihie community, located in Ivo...
At least five people have tragically died, and many others have been hospitalized after consuming a beans meal prepared as part of a ‘love feast’ known...
A tragic incident occurred at the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL) in Abeokuta, Ogun State, where a lion killed its handler, Babaji Daule. The library, a...
Famous Nigerian pastor and founder of Living Faith Church, Bishop David Oyedepo, recently marked his 70th birthday in grand style, receiving two Rolls-Royce Cullinans worth billions...
A heartbreaking tragedy struck in Enugu South local government area of Enugu State, as three siblings from the same family died after eating beans suspected to...
In a landmark ruling, Justice I.O. Ijelu of the Lagos State High Court in Ikeja has discharged and acquitted businessman Mark Obisesan and three others of...
Today, September 27, 2024, marks a significant milestone for Bishop David Olaniyi Oyedepo, founder of Living Faith Church (Winners Chapel), as he celebrates his 70th birthday. ...