In Takum town, Taraba State, a suspected kidnapper was apprehended while praying at the central mosque on Friday during the Assar prayer. A local resident, Dauda...
In a tragic incident occurring barely 24 hours after a similar accident, two people were killed when a truck crushed a tricycle in the Papalanto area...
The abductors of 26 women from Allawa Community in Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger State have released a video showing two of their captives pleading...
In a remarkable turn of events, a Nigerian woman, Oyindamola Akinyera, gave birth to a baby girl mid-flight while traveling from Lagos to Brazil on a...
Activist lawyer Madubuachi Idam stated on Thursday that Nigerian laws do not support the notion of a woman receiving 50 percent of her husband’s properties during...
Tensions are escalating between Nigerians and South Africans as both countries face a surge in fake ride-hailing operations amid the ongoing rivalry between Bolt and Uber....
In a tragic turn of events, bandits attacked Moriki community in Zamfara State on Wednesday night, abducting over 10 residents. The criminals have demanded a ransom...
A violent confrontation broke out in the Gudiri community of Bashar District, located in Wase Local Government Area of Plateau State, resulting in multiple casualties. The...
Alhaji Muhammad Bawa, the Sarkin Kudun Gatawa of Gatawa District in Sokoto State, has tragically died while in the captivity of bandits. His death was confirmed...
The Nigerian Air Force announced on Wednesday that its fighter aircraft, part of Air Component Operation Hadin Kai, successfully carried out an air interdiction mission on...