Abiodun, a 45-year-old woman who is commonly referred to as “Iya Sunday,” has set her mother ablaze in an attempt to murder her. A Pastor informed...
Blessing Iripia Alims has emerged as the first ever female President of the Students Union Government (SUG) of the University of Calabar UNICAL. Alims emerged after...
The New Palace Hotel has been sealed with immediate effect by the Hisbah Board of Katsina State, in response to allegations of moral corruption involving underage...
Another mining site has collapsed at Bazakwoi, a village in Adnun community of Niger State, killing three and injuring others. The incident was confirmed by Abdullahi...
Troops conducting operations in the southeast apprehended the murders of five soldiers during a raid on the hideouts of proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra/Eastern Security Network...
A five-story structure under construction at Dennis Memorial Grammar School in Onitsha, Anambra State has collapsed. According to thediscovererng.com, the Anglican School’s structure was in its...
Gunmen fired a truck carrying about five Army officers on their way to a location in Ogwu-Ikpele town, Ogbaru Local Government Area in Anambra State, killing...
A passenger train has derailed in the early hours of Wednesday along Kaduna and Abuja, leaving countless people stranded and causing significant worry. The train, carrying...
Of the 150 members of the Kuchi community in Munya Local Government Area, Niger State, who were kidnapped, 40 have regained freedom. According to information obtained...
On Tuesday, unidentified gunmen shot and kill two police officers in Imo state. According to reports, the gunmen approached a team of police officers on duty...