Assistant Superintendent of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Halisu Sahabi, who was tragically killed during a raid in Awka, Anambra State, has been laid...
In a determined effort to combat terrorism in Sokoto State, five soldiers tragically lost their lives during a coordinated military operation against Lakurawa terrorists in the...
A devastating fire incident in the early hours of Monday claimed the lives of a daughter of Sokoto State Secretary to the Government (SSG), Alhaji Muhammadu...
The Defence Headquarters has clarified the circumstances surrounding the deaths of 10 villagers following the Christmas Day strikes on terrorist hideouts in Silame Local Government Area...
Sokoto State Governor Ahmad Aliyu has called on victims of the Nigerian military’s accidental bombing on December 25 to accept the incident as a misfortune of...
A tragic airstrike targeting the Lakurawa terrorist group has reportedly claimed the lives of several villagers and left many injured in Silame Local Government Area, Sokoto...
Tragedy struck in Sabon Birni Local Government Area of Sokoto State on Saturday as suspected bandits abducted a newly-wedded bride and four bridesmaids shortly after the...
The Sokoto State chapter of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has called off its planned strike following an agreement on the implementation of a new N70,000...
Soldiers and local hunters are currently engaged in a fierce gunfight with the notorious bandit leader, Bello Turji, and his group in Gatawa town, located in...
Lieutenant General Olufemi Oluyede, the Acting Chief of Army Staff, has commenced his first operational tour in the 8th Division’s Area of Responsibility, arriving in Sokoto...