A history of Zionist atrocities by FFK

I am not anti-Semitic and I have many Jewish friends who I hold in high esteem.
I recognise the fact that there are millions of Jews all over the world, particularly in Europe, Russia, Iran, Ethiopia and even in the United States of America itself, who have publicly renounced the excesses and atrocities of the Zionists and who seek nothing but peace, fellowship, love, fraternity and mutual respect with their non-Jewish neighbours.
Having said this, I must also put on record my utter disgust and disdain for the Zionists and for Zionism itself which is a political construct and philosophy that I consider to be akin to apartheid and therefore evil.
It is a philosophy that is espoused by those that can best be described as intellectual barbarians and cultural hegemons.
To add to this, I feel nothing but repugnance, contempt and revulsion for the racism and fanaticism of the Ashkenazi Jews, the progenitors and primary promoters of Zionism, who the Allied Powers of World War 11, at the behest and with the money of the stupendously wealthy Rothschild family, established Israel for and handed her over to in 1948.
The Ashkenazi were and still are essentially proxies and agents of the Rothschilds and the Western powers, the enforcers of their purpose and collective will in the Middle East and the protectors of their numerous interests in that region.
From inception they constituted themselves into the rich, elite and all-powerful ruling political class of the Jewish State despite the fact that they were nothing but a bunch of non-Semitic white primarily Eastern European colonial settlers and immigrants, who were not even originally Jewish but only converted to Judaism in the 18th century and who saw and still see every other true Jew including the Sephardic Jews and the real Semites (including the Palestinians) as being inferior to them and unfit to lead their nation.
In a clumsy attempt to cover their non-Semitic origins and obscure the fact that they have no genetic link with the people of the Middle East from the outset they banned all DNA testing in Israel and that remains the case till today.
This is because the Askenazi cannot legitimately trace their ancestry back to Israel for more than two generations! That is how crafty they are!
To get a clear picture of precisely what the world is up against this contribution will focus on not just the atrocities of the Zionists and the Zionist state of Israel but will also offer a small glimpse into the dark and frightful history of Jewry generally.
It is not designed or intended to offend or to be an attack on the Jews but rather a historical analysis of some of the unspeakable crimes and injustices they have committed and indulged in over the years that have shaken the foundations of humanity and brought pain and sorrow to millions all over the world.
Let us begin with the most significant event of all which took place 2000 years ago in Jerusalem when the Jews murdered the Son of God, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by insisting on his crucifixion.
He was hanged on a cross and crucified like a common criminal, inflicting more pain on Him than the human mind can possibly comprehend.
As He bled and suffered, offering no complaint or resistance and instead asking God the Father to “forgive them for their sins”, they continued to scream in a rabid frenzy with hate and rage shouting, “let His blood be upon us and our children”.
Till today, 2000 years later, they have not expressed any remorse or regret for this cruel and barbaric act against a selfless, sinless, kind, loving, compassionate and innocent soul who we Believers regard as none other than the Lamb of God, the Ancient of Days, the Lord of Hosts, the King of Kings, the long-awaited Messiah and He who came down as God incarnate in the flesh but instead they relish and celebrate it with fervour even going as far as to describe him in their “holy book” called the Talmud as “a fake, a charlatan and a fraud” who according to their twisted and irreverent minds is “now burning in hell where he is eating human faeces”.
Over the last 1, 000 years they spread to virtually every nation taking over the world’s banking system and controlling the world’s supply of money with which they promoted and funded revolutions, counter-revolutions and wars, built up and destroyed economies, brought governments and nations to their knees and determined the political future and fate of leaders in the most powerful countries in the world.
Such was the power of the Jews that from 1917, in the persons of two of their most famous sons, Vladimer Lenin and Leon Trotsky, they banned religion and presided over the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Christian clerics and millions of Christians in the Soviet Union after the Bolshevik revolution.
Yet it didn’t stop there and their influence continued to permeate the entire world and kept growing.
This awesome power that they had and wielded with impunity incurred the wrath of many in the west including the German Chancellor Adolf Hitler who blamed them for the humiliation and defeat of his country in World War 1 and who, in a classic case of total and complete insanity, sought to wipe them off the face of the earth in what he described in his book ‘Mein Kampf’ as the ‘Final Solution’ and what the world described as ‘The Holocaust’.
Gas to death
He proceeded to gas to death no less than 6 million of them together with millions of Slavs, homosexuals and gypsies in horrendous concentration camps: a barbaric, condemnable and heinous act and a graphic example of man’s inhumanity to man.
New homeland
Thankfully Hitler and Nazi Germany lost World War 11 and partly to compensate the Jews for the suffering and persecution that they had suffered in the West generally and the genocide that they endured at the hands of Hitler in Germany specifically, they were offered a new homeland in a place known as Palestine which was at the very heart of the Middle East from which they had been exiled and scattered from 2000 years earlier but where millions of Palestinians had always lived and had never left.
This was a recipe for disaster given the fact that the Jews and their concept and philosophy of Zionism regarded themselves as being “the master race” and refused to share the land with anyone else describing themselves as “God’s chosen people” who had a divine mandate to forcefully and violently retake what they called “the Promise Land”, ethnically cleanse it of all other races and practitioners of other religious faiths and re-establish the old Jewish Kingdom of the Holy Bible stretching from the borders of Egypt right up to Iran!
To the Zionists, everything that existed in that vast space of land and everyone in it belonged to them as treasure, chattel, vassals and slaves.
‘Second Holocaust’
Consequently with the tacit support of the West and in an attempt to establish this vision and objective, over the last 76 years, they have fought, oppressed, undermined, caged, enslaved, dehumanised and subdued the Palestinian people and their Arab neighbours, killed millions of Palestinians and subjected them to genocide and for the last one year alone murdered over 100,000 innocent and defenceless Christian and Muslim Palestinian civilians (mainly women and children) by bombing them with more ordinance and more precision bombs that were dropped in the entire duration of World War 11, slaughtering them with the most sophisticated and deadly weapons and burying them under the rubble of Gaza, subjecting them to what can best be described as a ‘Second Holocaust’.
Such is the mindset of the Zionists that an anti-Zionist secular Israeli activist who lives in Tel Aviv, Gaia Dan, said the following: “There are only a few hundred anti-Zionist Israelis—about .01% of the adult population—and the vast majority of our society is genocidal.”
Worse still, 80% of the population in Israel are opposed to a two-state solution and instead believe in totally subjugating and enslaving whatever number of the Palestinian people that are not eliminated and exterminated and occupying their land.
Simply put, they want all Palestinians who they regard as nothing but “human animals” to be nuked, to be scattered all over the world, to be driven into the sea or the Sinai desert and to simply “disappear” and a countless number of their senior government officials and political leaders, including Minister of Finance Bezalel Smoritch, former Minister of Defence Yoav Gallant, Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir, Minister of Heritage Amihayi Eliyahu and many others, have expressed these sentiments publicly.
War crimes
Today, their leader Benjamin Netanyahu has been rightly indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court at the Hague (ICC) and instead of showing any remorse or regret he, his nation, his Zionist supporters and his American backers have threatened the court with sanctions if he is arrested in any of the 124 countries that are signatories to the relevant Treaty and have branded as being “anti-Semitic” anyone or group of persons that have expressed concern or outrage about his homicidal, lawless and lunatic behaviour.
Permit me to share an example of this idiocy.
In his response to the arrest warrant issued on Netanyahu during an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity in November 2024, American Senator Lindsay Graham, an unhinged figure who constantly expresses his insatiable lust for war and carnage, said the following: “You are going to have to pick either the rogue ICC or America. I am working with Senator Tom Cotton to have legislation passed as soon as we can to sanction any country that aids and abets the arrest of any politician in Israel. What they are doing in Israel is trying to prevent a ‘Second Holocaust’. So, to any ally, Canada, Britain, Germany, France, if you try to help the ICC, we are going to sanction you”.
When Hannity asked what the sanction and penalty would be Graham replied: “We will crush your economy because we are next. If they can go after Netanyahu why can’t they go after Trump or any other American President under this theory?”
His words confirm the fact that this dangerous, deluded, divisive and toxic individual, who actually believes that he is still living in the old American ‘Wild West’ where lawless and gun-totting cowboys were shooting native Indians for sport and where a drunken all powerful sheriff whose word was law ruled every town with an iron fist and gunned down people at will, is afflicted with what the English common law describes as “a diseased mind”.
More importantly, the answer to his question can easily be answered with another, namely: why shouldn’t the ICC go after Trump or any other American President if they commit war crimes and crimes against humanity?
Are Americans and Israelis above the law or have they, like Ian Flemings’ famous fictitious character James Bond (007), been given a licence to kill?
If this is the case, who on earth gave it to them?
In reference to the war in Ukraine Graham was also once quoted as saying “it is a good thing to kill Russians!” Is this not madness in its most graphic form?
Senator Lindsay Graham represents everything reprehensible about the American right-wing and I sincerely pray that he and those that think like him in the American Senate do not plunge the world into World War 111 or a nuclear Armageddon.
My question is this: How far do the Zionists have to go and how many more innocent people do they have to kill before we accept the fact that that they are the problem of the world and that their so-called Jewish state must be brought to heel and made accountable for its unspeakable actions?
Greatest Commandment
To the Christian that says we must love them no matter what heinous crime they commit I say the following: The greatest of all Commandments is to love our God with all our soul and all our might whilst the second greatest is to love our fellow men and treat them in the way we wish to be treated ourselves.
To applaud genocide and to support the ethnic cleansing of an entire race that are God’s creation, no matter what they may or may not have done, runs contrary to both of these sacred Commandments and cannot be justified by some far-fetched notion that the Jew is not subject to the laws of God and man.
We want a better world: A world where the Christian, the Jew, the Muslim, the Hindu and indeed all men and women of faith are regarded as one and bound together in peace and love by their common humanity and manifest destiny.
Yet it appears that the United States of America, once described by President Ronald Reagan as “a shining city on a hill” and the “hope of humanity”, is determined to deny us such a world.
‘American’s lie’
Mr. Chris Hedges, the highly celebrated and deeply courageous American journalist, summed up his nation’s malevolent disposition when he said the following words on 18th June 2024. He said: “We do not halt Israel’s genocide because we, as Americans, ARE Israel. We are infected with the same white supremacy doctrine and we are intoxicated by our domination of the globe’s wealth and the power to obliterate others with our advanced weaponry. The vaunted democratic values, morality and respect for human rights claimed by Israel and the United States have always been a lie. The real credo is this: We have everything and if you try and take it away from us we will kill you people of color, especially when they are poor and vulnerable. Do not count their hopes, dignity and aspirations for freedom. The lives of those outside the empire are worthless. Global domination will be sustained through racialized violence. The lie that the American empire is predicated on democracy and liberty is what the Palestinians, those in the global south, Native Americans and Black and Brown Americans, not to mention those who live in the Middle East, have known for decades. But it is a lie that still has currency in the United States and Israel: A lie used to justify the unjustifiable.”
Professor Jeffrey Sachs, an American economist and public policy analyst and a Professor of Columbia University, went further by recently saying: “The most violent country in the world in the 19th century was also the most democratic or second most democratic country in the world and that was Great Britain. You can be democratic at home and ruthlessly imperial abroad. The most violent country in the world since 1950 has been the United States”.
I concur.
Gaza slaughter
The celebrated British journalist Owen Jones added his voice to the outrage that has trailed the American-sponsored Israeli slaughter in Gaza by saying the following on the 26th of November: “1,410 ENTIRE Palestinian families exterminated by Israel. From babies and teenagers to parents to great grandparents. If one extended family was wiped out in Britain it would be headline news for weeks. It has happened 1,410 times in Gaza with a much smaller population”.
All this yet, American leaders cheer the Zionists on and continue to provide them with massive funding and lethal weapons as if they were doing nothing but killing mosquitoes or slaughtering turkeys at Christmas.
It follows that the home truth about America is, to say the least, ugly and disconcerting and few venture to dare voice it.
Joe Biden’s America particularly has become a gangerous stinking sore and a formidable challenge to the peace and stability of the world and the only hope the so-called “land of the free” and “home of the brave” has left is if incoming President Donald Trump succeeds and if he truly intends to do so he must rid himself of the inexplicable obsession and fatal attraction that most American leaders have with and for the citadel of evil and enclave of genocide called Israel.
If he refuses to do so, and frankly the signs are not good given his cabinet choices of pro-Israeli hawks and warmongers, he too, like Joe Biden and the cackling, strange and empty-headed woman that he named his Vice President, Kamala Harris, will crash to an ignoble end.
Admiration for Trump
This would be very sad because I am one of those who have always had a soft spot and the greatest admiration and respect for Donald Trump.
The reason why millions in Africa, the ‘global south’ and indeed all over the world look to China, Russia and the newly formed BRICS economic bloc of nations for leadership and inspiration today is because America has lost its decency and has jettisoned its noble values.
Nothing confirms this more than the unending and unlimited support and blind love that they have consistently displayed for their monster child called Israel.
America is today a nation of genocide-enablers with insensitive and morally bankrupt leaders who have lost all sense of humanity and who have turned their European allies like the United Kingdom, Germany, France and indeed all the other members of the NATO alliance into pitiful puppets and fawning vassals whilst they treat the rest of the world as nothing but worthless serfs and slaves.
Only the Chinese and Russians present hope for a greater and better future for humanity and that is why so many in the global south gravitate towards them.
Permit me share the words of one of the world’s most consistent and powerful voices against oppression and injustice, Clare Daly, the former Irish MP and MEP and a lady who is known for speaking truth to power.
A few days ago she said the following on the arrest warrant that has been issued by the ICC on Netanyahu and Gallant.
‘It is only the start’
She said: “About time. It is only the start. The idea that there are only two people criminally responsible is definitely not the case at this point. It needs to go all the way to the top of the U.S. administration and to the European Union elites who have enabled and ensured that this genocide has continued. It couldn’t have happened without them. It wouldn’t have even started without them, to be honest. And unless it goes there, well, then, you know, the ICC has a huge credibility problem. Like, this is it—Israel is finished after this. They have nowhere else to go. And it may not seem like that because you know the EU and the US have their backs at the moment but I firmly believe that this is this generation’s Vietnam. Things will never be the same after this. A whole layer of young people and people who are older who never paid attention to this issue are not gonna let it go until there is justice for Palestine and this issue is dealt with. It’s absolutely tragic that it’s happening at such a terrible cost and still continues but it is the harbinger of a big change as well”.
Daly is absolutely right.
History is replete with the heinous crimes of the Zionist state even against America herself.
Most are denied and brushed under the carpet but they are nevertheless true. A few examples will suffice.
Theories on President Kennedy’s assassination
Who killed American President John F. Kennedy?
Few are aware that there was a raging and longstanding dispute between the then Prime Minister of Israel Ben Gurion and Kennedy about allowing Israel to acquire nuclear weapons, a proposition which was sorely opposed by the latter and which may have resulted in a direct threat to his life.
This has been the prevailing thinking in intelligence and security circles for decades but due to the classification of most of the relevant documents much about the circumstances and motives for his assassination has been hidden from public scrutiny.
Nevertheless whispers of truth are finally coming out.
In an article titled ‘Did Zionists Kill U.S. President John F. Kennedy?’ published in ‘A News Gallery World’ on Nov. 22, 2023, the American author wrote the following: “The enduring enigma of Kennedy’s assassination continues to baffle. The former U.S. President lost his life 60 years ago in a fatal attack. Speculation has been raised about Israel’s potential involvement as Kennedy was vocal in opposing their nuclear weapon pursuits. There were also claims made linking the two events as Kennedy vehemently opposed Israel’s nuclear program. In fact he expressed his concerns in a confidential letter stating ‘Your nuclear weapons will greatly damage our relationship’. These fears were further fuelled by a former Israeli General who worried that Kennedy would order an airstrike on their nuclear site.
The reason for suspecting Israel was Kennedy’s strong opposition to Israel possessing nuclear weapons.
Despite the fact that it has been 60 years since the assassination many theories have been put forward about it including the claim that Israel was responsible for the killing.
In the incident, Israel, along with the Soviet Union and Cuba, were among the suspects. After Ben Gurion resigned in Israel, Kennedy wrote a detailed letter to his successor Levi Eshkol on the subject. In a letter whose confidentiality decision was lifted by the U.S. National Archives a few years ago, it was clearly stated that any wrong move by Israel would strain bilateral relations. Five months after writing this letter, Kennedy was assassinated. Documents revealed the confession of former Israeli Air Force Commander Dan Tolkowsky about that tense period. The unsolved mystery surrounding former U.S. President Kennedy’s assassination, which occurred 60 years ago, continues to intrigue many”.
A French author by the name of Germain Gorais went into even more detail as regards the motives and put the matter rather more concisely and succinctly in an article published in La Observateur Continental in November 2023 by saying: “In order to eliminate resistance to Israel’s nuclear armament and to reduce pressure on Israel for the “right of return” for 800,000 Palestinians, US president JF Kennedy was assassinated. Since the 1950s, Israel had undertaken the secret manufacture of atomic bombs. In 1986 reliable evidence emerged demonstrating that Israel had secretly obtained the atomic bomb as early as 1967. Since then, all successively elected US Presidents have been held hostage by Israel. Kennedy was also committed to the right of return for 800,000 Palestinians expelled from their homes and villages in 1948 for which the American delegation to the UN presented a proposal on November 20, 1963. He was assassinated two days later”.
Another excellent piece on the alleged involvement of Israel in the murder of JFK is titled, ‘From Dallas to Gaza: How JFK’s Assassination Was Good for Zionist Israel’, by an American by the name of Rick Sterling and published on Dec. 15, 2023.
I recommend this insightful contribution for reading for those that are interested.
If all this does not raise eyebrows or provide food for thought about the true nature of the State of Israel, perhaps the following will.
Who brought down the Trade Towers in New York City on 9/11?
Few are aware of the fact that Benjamin Netanyahu wrote a book titled, ‘Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic and International Terrorism’, which he made reference to in an interview a few years later. In that interview he said: “The West really doesn’t understand militant Islam so I wrote a book in 1995 and I said that if the West doesn’t wake up to the suicidal nature of militant Islam the next thing you’ll see is that militant Islam is bringing down the World Trade Centre”.
Six years after writing his book the two towers of the World Trade Center were actually brought down by supposedly militant Islamic terrorists and a few years later the same Benjamin Netanyahu said: “We (meaning Israel) are benefiting from one thing and that is the attack on the Trade Towers, on the Pentagon and the American struggle in Iraq”.
Does anyone need to look any further to know who was really behind 9/11 and who benefitted from it the most?
Again who attacked the USS Liberty, a United States Navy Signals Intelligence ship, on June 8, 1967 in the middle of the ‘Six-Day War’ killing 34 people and injuring and wounding another 170 if not the Israeli Defence Forces, yet the whole matter was covered up out of fear of the rage that this would stir against Israel amongst the American people?
Again who bombed the King David Hotel in Palestine on July 22, 1946 if not ‘Irgun’, the Zionist terrorist organisation that was led by Menachim Begin who later became the Jewish state’s Prime Minister and in which 91 British citizens and soldiers were killed?
Again, who murdered Count Folke Bernadotte, the Swedish diplomat and United Nations mediator on September 17, 1948 when, whilst on his way to Jerusalem to negotiate a peace deal which would have ensured Palestinian rights, had his plane shot down mid-air if not the same Zionist terrorist organisation Irgun?
Sadly, with him crashed all attempts by the United Nations to help the Palestinians and Israelis arrive at a diplomatic solution.
Again, who orchestrated the mass murder of 3,500 Arab Muslim women and children by Israeli-funded and Israeli-armed Lebanese Christian militias during the Lebanese civil war in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila from the 15th to the 18th of September in 1982 after all the men had been lured from withdrawing from the camps and volunteered to go on exile to Tunisia with a guaranty of safety and security from America and Israel for their women and children if not the Jewish state?
Again, who created, backed and funded Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, Daesh, ISIS, Al Shabab and Boko Haram?
Was it not the CIA in conjunction with MOSSAD that did this and is that not why Israel and Israeli assets have NEVER been targeted or attacked by any of these listed terrorist organisations?
Are these listed terror groups not all tools of destabilisation that are being used by MOSSAD and the CIA to destabilise and destroy the territory and governments of their perceived enemies like Syria, Iraq and Libya and sometimes even that of their stubborn “friends” in North, West and East Africa?
Doctoring the Bible
Again, who, if not the Jewish Rothschild family, commissioned an infamous crook and fraudster called Cyrus I. Schofield to doctor the words, meaning and intent of portions of the Holy Bible in 1909 to re-write God’s word and make it appear that the planned re-establishment of the Jewish/Zionist state, which was to eventually come in 1948, would be a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy and the intention of God, knowing full well that this was false and that the Holy Bible clearly states that the new Israel will not be re-established until after the ‘Second Coming’ of the Messiah.
This shameless and devastating act of disinformation and misinformation, in my view, has done more damage to Christianity and the Christian pysche and thinking than any other since the crucifixion of our Lord simply because it constrains and compels Christians to erroneously believe that they have a divine obligation and holy duty to support and love the newly established State of Israel no matter what it does and no matter what horrendous atrocities it commits.
Consider the following: In October 2015
Maidhc O. Cathail published his article titled ‘The Scofield Bible—The Book That Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians’.
He wrote, inter alia: “Since it was first published in 1909, the Scofield Reference Bible has made uncompromising Zionists out of tens of millions of Americans. When John Hagee, the founder of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), said that ‘50 million evangelical Bible-believing Christians unite with five million American Jews standing together on behalf of Israel,’ it was the Scofield Bible that he was talking about. Although the Scofield Reference Bible contains the text of the King James Authorized Version, it is not the traditional Protestant Bible but Scofield’s annotated commentary that is problematic. More than any other factor it is Scofield’s notes that have induced generations of American evangelicals to believe that God demands their uncritical support for the modern State of Israel. Central to Christian Zionist belief is Scofield’s commentary on Genesis 12:3: ‘I will bless them that bless thee.’ In fulfillment closely related to the next clause, ‘And curse him that curseth thee’. It has invariably fared ill with the people who have persecuted the Jew and well with those who have protected him”.
Drawing on Scofield’s rather tendentious interpretation, Hagee claims, “The man or nation that lifts a voice or hand against Israel invites the wrath of God.” But as Stephen Sizer points out in his definitive critique, “The promise, when referring to Abraham’s descendants, speaks of God blessing them, not of entire nations ‘blessing’ the Hebrew nation, still less the contemporary and secular State of Israel.” Notwithstanding this more orthodox reading, The New Scofield Study Bible, published by Oxford University Press in 1984, intensified Scofield’s interpretation by adding, “For a nation to commit the sin of anti-Semitism brings inevitable judgement.” Sustained by dubious exegesis of selective Biblical texts,” Sizer concludes, “Christian Zionism’s particular reading of history and contemporary events…sets Israel and the Jewish people apart from other peoples in the Middle East…it justifies the endemic racism intrinsic to Zionism, exacerbates tensions between Jews and Palestinians and undermines attempts to find a peaceful resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, all because ‘the Bible tells them so’. In his 2008 book, The Rise of Israel: A History of a Revolutionary State, Jonathan R. Adelman describes the crucial support Israel receives from Christian fundamentalists as “totally fortuitous.” That assertion is belied, however, by the incredible career of the man who wrote “the Bible of Fundamentalism.” Two years after Scofield’s reported conversion to Christianity in 1879, the Atchison Patriot Newspaper was less than impressed. Describing the former Atchison resident as the “late lawyer, politician and shyster,” the article went on to recount a few of Scofield’s “many malicious acts.” These included a series of forgeries in St. Louis, for which he was sentenced to six months in jail.
Had the Scofield Bible never been published, American Presidents influenced by Christian Zionism such as Truman, Johnson, Reagan and George W. Bush might have been less sympathetic to Israeli demands and consequently more attentive to U.S. interests. Moreover, the American people could have been spared the pseudo-Christian rants of John Hagee, Pat Robertson and the late Jerry Falwell, not to mention the lucrative End Times Rapture “prophecy” peddled by Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye. But it is the people of the Middle East who have been most affected by an expansionist Israel emboldened by the unswerving allegiance of Christian Zionists led to believe that Scofield’s words are God’s will. Not least among the many victims of the Scofield Bible are 5 million Palestinian refugees whose right to return is fervently opposed by America’s Zionized Christians.
Thanks to their indoctrination by Scofield’s unholy book, they believe that Palestine belongs not to the Palestinians—many of whom are fellow Christians—but exclusively to ‘God’s chosen people’.”
Cathail has hit the nail on the head and I recommend a reading of the full text of his detailed and insightful essay.
Schofield and the Jews who commissioned him have done a great disservice and dealt a grievous blow to Christian Theology. I have little doubt that God will punish them for it.
Andrew Slater, in his book titled, ‘Christian Zionism’, supported Cathail’s position when he wrote the following: “Theodore Herzl and the Rothschilds first approached the current Pope at the time Pope Pius X who immediately rejected facilitating the Zionist takeover of Palestine.
The Rothschilds, who were after seizing the land of Palestine, knew that they had to get the Protestant churches on board with their agenda. So they recruited a non-Jew Christian ‘theologian’ called C. I. Scofield to convince the Protestant Churches that the Jews must retake the Promise Land to fulfill prophecy. The target was to infiltrate Protestant Christianity by creating their own ‘Bible’”.
Again I recommend this fascinating book for those who are interested in this topic. It is an eye-opener.
Kudos to men like Cathail and Slater who have exposed the great lie and damnable falsehood that Christians are compelled to support Israel no matter what and that if they do not they will face the judgement of God.
The intellectual dishonesty of the Zionists and the lengths they are prepared to go to pervert and distort anything in order to achieve their purpose never ceases to amaze me.
When one couples this with the ‘Nakba’ in 1948 in which 800,000 Palestinians were murdered, displaced and thrown out of their homes, the millions of Palestinians that have been killed, tortured, maimed and illegally detained, including women and children, over the last 76 years by Israeli security forces and fascist settlers and the ethnic cleansing and mass murder that is going on in Gaza today it beggars belief and makes the stomach turn.
Above the law
Atrocity after atrocity, horror after horror, lie after lie, injustice after injustice, wickedness after wickedness, impunity after impunity, and breach of the law after breach of the law, yet Israel and the Zionists remain above the law, untouchable and unaccountable to God or man for their consistently horrendous actions and callous acts.
Permit me to close this contribution with the words of Aiden Hunter @AidenHunterX, an American commentator.
Two weeks ago he wrote the following on X: “Rev. Martin Luther (the father of the Protestant movement) once said that the things Jews do in secret are far worse than the things we’ve caught them doing. If we had hidden cameras in Jewish homes and synagogues, and if we played that footage to the world, I suspect that even the most battle hardened men would find it difficult to watch. In 2016, there were rumors that when the New York Police Department viewed the content of Anthony Weiner’s laptop, it caused seasoned law enforcement officers to vomit and lose sleep. Jews are the only race that has been accused for centuries, independently by people on different continents, of grotesque ritual murder and other horrific deeds that I can’t describe here. The fact that Jews always accuse Gentiles of what they themselves do should, therefore, give us serious pause because Jews may be signaling exactly they’re doing in the privacy of their homes and synagogues. Only Jews could easily and quickly imagine such things, for instance, as 40 babies beheaded, babies cooked in ovens, and pregnant women slashed with their infants ripped out, because Jews themselves have been doing exactly those things to Palestinians. There is no doubt in my mind. The number of missing Palestinian children will probably never be known. Nor may we ever know what Jews do to them when nobody is around to document it. I promise you this: Martin Luther was right. The things that Jews are doing in secret and getting away with are indeed much, much worse than the things we’ve caught them doing.
From engineered famines to assassinations, I’m convinced we’ve only scratched the surface of the monstrous evil that Jews have committed all around the world.
As I write this, I can imagine the screams of Gentile children pleading with us to save them. I pray that someday we have the spiritual strength to ditch our comforts and rouse ourselves to action”.
He went further by writing: “There are Jews, and there are Jewists. By Jewist, I mean a genetically non-Jewish person whose mind has been colonized by destructive Jewish values and narratives. Most of us have been Jewists to varying degrees, since Jews run our media and entertainment. We grew up consuming the Jew’s poisons and false morality. They told us that degeneracy and decay were good.
They wanted us to fear the label “anti-semite” more than anything else. They wanted us never to notice that they are a distinct race, much less evaluate their behavior. They wanted us to view them as the world’s greatest and most innocent victims. They wanted us to always be fair-minded toward them. Meanwhile they polluted our souls. They exploited our sense of honor to gain unfair advantages over us.
They stripped away our very identity and replaced it with artificial identities that would never pose a threat to them. One could write book length treatments on all of the ways Jews have subverted us- linguistically, racially, psychologically, spiritually. The Jew is the premiere mind colonizer. He has created millions of Jewists in his own image. He put us in a trance with his glowing screens and inserted himself into our minds. Now he must be dislodged. In my youthful anarchist days we used to have a slogan: “kill the cop in your head.” This was a way to remind ourselves to overcome our timidity, brainwashing and domestication. Of course, it was not “cops” controlling our media and reshaping our culture. We never looked at the root cause back then. Today I understand that for all of us Gentiles, no matter what our position is, it is the Jew that must be eliminated from our minds. This is half the battle. Reject the mind- colonizer. Unlearn his programming.
Regain your fighting spirit. Activate your ancestral instincts. Kill the… in your head”.
Need I say more?
· Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, the Sadauki Shinkafi, is a lawyer, a former Minister of Aviation of Nigeria and a former Minister of Culture and Tourism of Nigeria