Ali Ndume, the chief whip of the Senate, has voiced concerns about the rising cost of life and shortages of food. Ndume stated in an interview...
Musiliu Akinremi, also known as Jagaban is dead. The devastating news emerged that Hon. Musiliu Akinremi, a federal lawmaker who represents Ibadan North Federal Constituency, had...
Six individuals lost their lives in a multi-vehicle crash at Eke Awgbu along the Agulu-Awgbu Road in Orumba North Local Government Area of Anambra State, the...
A House of Representatives committee investigating the increase in cement prices has threatened to issue an arrest warrant on Dangote Cement management if they fail to...
Olukayode Dayo, a former personnel of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), has been found guilty of rape and handed a life sentence by...